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Első nap – az út megtalálása
Emőkee Bár már az első napunk végén járunk, az eddigi tapasztalataink pozitívak. A programunkat reggel 9 órakor kezdtük meg Fóton. Először az igazgatóval és a gyermekgondozó...
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Day sixteen ~ The happiness of an onion
…by emőke F., a boy from Kosovo is in the camp since the first day we arrived. His two Syrian friends left a day before,...
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Day fifteen ~ Low moments
…by emőke It was raining, we were tired and the number of the boys is getting down. It is all you need to be discouraged,...
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Day fourteen ~ Closer to them
….by emőke There are less and less boys at the camp. At the moment there are around 25 and we kind of know all of...
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Day eleven
… by sam On saturday I took 3 students to fot to introduce them to the place and the concept of helping and welcoming refugees....
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Day ten … by Petr
… by Petr So today we tried to split into more teams and try to be closer to all the refugees. We were also in...
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Day nine ~ Trying new things
…by emőke We entered in our regularity and somehow got used with our daily program. Maybe too used with it, so some of us felt,...
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Day eight ~ Step by step
…by emőke We try to follow our program, so that at 9:30 we were prepared again for the morning activities. This morning we started with...
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Day 7 ~ Glasspainting / Cirkus workshop
… by Petr Today we had a first day with the fixed program and I can say that it worked well. We started the day...
Our mission
A NEW JRS PROGRAM STARTS IN HUNGARY 16-20 Sept. Jean-Marie Carriere SJ, JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service) EU director has visited Hungary on the occasion that...