Day nine ~ Trying new things
…by emőke
We entered in our regularity and somehow got used with our daily program. Maybe too used with it, so some of us felt, that the true joy and importance of our presence is lost somewhere. Some of us also thought, that we are sticked too much to our „happy house” building, and we are maybe not so open anymore to look for their presence in other places like their dormitory area, park or internet house. For this reason, we, as a team, took the time to discuss and reevaluate the past days and the way we want to continue. These kind of discussions make sense, if we can freely tell our opinion, and everything we think and say is not going a to a personal sulking, but we try to use it as a constructive critic or sharing that help us to make things better.
Many questions came up, but as a result, we decided to try some new things in the coming days. It is important to mention, that we will also continue our original program and ideas, because many of the young refugee boys take part in those activities. Our main questions were still, how can we involve more boys in the different activities? Should we sometimes go closer to their usual places and have some activities there? Should we spend some times with those who never come to the „happy house”? How can we spend that time? How can we make them feel important? What kind of small responsibilities can we give them? Should we involve them to help us to organise the different activities? How can I be a better listener? Do i take the time to listen enough? How strict should I be in keeping the original schedule? etc.
This morning we started again with a handmade activity. We collected autumn crops like, tree leaves, branches, acorns and chestnuts, and we made different figures and paintings out of it. Those boys who joined this activity made wonderful animals and small statues. Meanwhile this activity, some of them played darts, cards, jingle or domino. Some of the boys like very much to draw, so in a small corner of the room, there are usually some of them drawing independently.
In the afternoon, we continued with the sport games, as we discovered that they like it very much. We played basketball for a long time, and we all enjoyed it very much.