SJES Secretariat

Ignatius wrote to the Jesuits in Padua, “Our commitment to follow a poor Lord, quite naturally makes us friends of the poor.” These ‘poor’ are neither a sociological category nor a pious generalization, but the name for the real persons and groups among whom we live, whose conditions we study, with whom we work.

Our endeavour is to work with people for change to bring the charity and the justice of the Gospel to society and culture. We have been given Good News and abundant reasons to hope that this is possible, and in this passionate enterprise which is religious and cultural and social, local and global, we want to share these hopes with others.

This web-site presents the mission and approach of the Society’s social justice and ecology commitment, the spirituality which inspires and motivates it, the issues which Jesuits and colleagues work on in different parts of the world, the networks and sources of information available.