Support our ongoing work!
The situation of refugees calls for deliberate and long-term actions in Hungary too. If You cannot take a part in person in helping the refugees arriving to our country but would like to support with good grace the jesuit work already started, we would appreciate Your financial contributions.
Our actual works
We are seeking help from adherents to two programmes:
- Help here: We operate a youth integration programme based on volunteer participation in the Children’s Center of Fót. There are unaccompanied, underage refugees who need a lot of attention to ease their difficult situation. To support the domestic government program we have started spare-time trainings in English as a Foreign Language and European Culture, serving their European integration.
- Help at the origin of the matter: To support the programmes initiated by the JRS in the Middle-Eastern refugee camps. (JRS is the Jesuit Refugee Service. The international Jesuit service is functioning in about 50 countries. JMSz is the Hungarian subsidiary of it.)
Acceptance of benefactions
In Hungary donations for the aid of refugees are accepted to the following bank account of the Hungarian Jesuit Refugee Service:
JTMR Jezsuita Menekültszolgálat
The information for transferring donations to our Hungarian bank account from abroad is
Name: JTMR Jezsuita Menekültszolgálat
IBAN: HU63-1070-0024-6944-1077-5130-0009
Name of Bank: CIB Bank Zrt.
The bank account accepts Hungarian Forint (HUF) and foreign currency transfers also. According to current Hungarian laws, the Foundation is allowed to produce a tax certificate about the donation for legal entities (corporations and companies) to enable tax deduction. Information:
The Society of Jesus Foundation (Jézus Társasága Alapítvány), sustained by the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus (Jézus Társasága Magyarországi Rendtartománya) accepts the monetary donations. Our Foundation is a candidate organisation of the Self-Regulation Body of Fundraiser Institutions as an Ethical Fundraiser. There are few civil or religious organisations in Hungary with this qualification. Its purpose is to ensure transparency and documented donation treatment at the monitored organisations. Accordingly, the Society of Jesus Foundation spends the income from the announced fundraising campaigns on the original purposes and informs the public about utilizations.